Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Lesson 10 Power of Attention and Ritual



Strengthen your manifesting power and experience more of your desired energy.  Don’t let externals forces take you out of your line.  Keep the faith!  Refuse to believe in the voices of fear and doubt.  Stay focused in your line and your affirmative words of I Am.  Believe more in I Am then I am not and stay diligent.  To the one who keeps on, keeping on, much is received!  In this last session you will see how your source code really is your superpower.  It has been within you all along and you have now learned how to access It, use It and allow It to manifest for you out of your deepest heart and choices.  You will be guided through a powerful Sacred Source Code Ritual to ground you in the Being of your desire, allowing you to release fear, doubt and worry.  You can rest now in the power of your Source Code and trust Its power to do, create and support you in all your desires. Donations deeply appreciated  SEE NEW COURSE ON INSIGHT TIMER:  THE POWER OF I AM TO MANIFEST YOUR DEEPEST DESIRES