Every Day Therapy

EP 7: Everyday Intuitive Eating



To know how to eat “right” gets confusing in this diet-obsessed world, so intuitive eating is learning how to eat what is “right for you” . This episode features Angela Prior Intuitive Eating Counselor, LCSW, RYT. We explore the 10 basic principles of Intuitive Eating and how to implement it into your everyday therapy life, so you can enjoy a variety of food without taking the guilt/shame and/or feeling out of control. 1. Reject the Diet Mentality 2. Honor Your Hunger 3. Make Peace With Food 4. Challenge the Food Police 5. Respect Your Fullness 6. Discover Your Satisfaction Factor 7. Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food 8. Respect Your Body 9. Exercise: Feel The Difference 10. Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition Book: Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, CERD More About Our Guest: We are over-the-moon about Angela Prior LCSW, RYT, Intuitive Eating Counselor coming on the podcast to talk about all things intuitive eating and the Health At Every Size movement. Angela is a l