Every Day Therapy

EP 21: Money Mentality With Amanda Frances



WOW. Just Wow. Amanda Frances, self made multi-millionaire, monthly Forbes contributor, social media influencer (over 140k followers), counseling PhD drop out, digital course creator, soulful business guru, and money manifesting queen, drops so much wisdom for us...or shall we say some real gold nuggets?! This sassy, smart, & sweet unicorn of woman is known for teaching people how to make money. She shares what she is really doing is helping clients change their relationships with money, drop their limiting beliefs, create and integrate new beliefs around money, and most importantly, know they are worthy of living abundant lives. Money, mindset, mental health, and valuing ourselves intersects, and we cover it all! Listen to hear us expand more on the following: 1) Learn to become your own authority 2) Let go of limiting beliefs 3) Write your own rules & permission slips 4) Stop justifying why you can't earn more money. Desire enough of a reason you can have it 5) Develop a neutral attitude toward mone