Pricing Is Positioning

015: You're Not Charging Enough!



There’s no roundabout way of saying it, so I’ll just say it outright, you don't charge enough. I've worked with many entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, consultants, and freelancers.  The one area they all have in common, as well as an area they struggle with, is the pricing of their products. Or more to the point, inaccurate or low pricing of their products. I do want to be clear, undercharging is not something to be ashamed of, it’s just a common theme amongst new (and maybe even veteran) business owners.  What is important to understand is you have such great value. You offer so much, you really ought to be charging a premium for your products or services. Of course, the catch-22 is you don't want to charge too much either. I know how it feels to send out that proposal or that email and wonder, “Did I leave money on the table?” In today’s episode, I will be sharing some mindset shifts and strategies that will help you realize your true value and charge what you are worth.  It all starts with you. The