Pricing Is Positioning

032: Becoming an Authority with Rochelle Moulton



I’m excited to announce that on this week's episode of The Pricing is Positioning Podcast, I get to interview Rochelle Moulton. Rochelle’s a great resource and our interview this week is going to offer you a lot of value as a freelancing consultant! Rochelle is a brand strategist and cohost of The Business of Authority Podcast.  Her unique gift is helping professionals craft their brands into a flourishing business. She also has an impressive business background and was even made a global partner by a corporation at age 31!  On this episode we discuss Rochelle’s impressive accomplishments and backstory, how she approaches pricing and the advice she gives to those trying to transition from the corporate world to a high end consultant! Tune in! In this episode we discuss, -Rochelle’s business backstory -Tips on transitioning from the corporate world to high end consultant -How Rochelle Prices her services -Rochelle’s steps to becoming an “authority”    Connect with Rochelle: Business of Authority Podcast  Ro