Turnip With Dolly And Jacob

Spiritually Connecting and Going Back to Her Roots with Alexis Jacinto



In this week's episode, Dolly and Jacob interview Alexis Jacinto of the @paleorookie. Alexis is a stay at home mom that is self taught home cook and Whole30 enthusiast. Find out what sparked Alexis to make a change, why she thinks finding food that speaks to you will help sustain a healthy lifestyle, how she spiritually connects with foods, and how vulnerability offers connection."Vulnerability offers connection. I think the more you're authentic, the more you reveal yourself, the more you connect with your audience." -- Alexis JacintoFind Alexis here:https://www.instagram.com/paleorookieStuffed Potato Balls recipe:https://adashofdolly.com/stuffed-potato-balls/-----------E-mail: turnipwithdollyandjacob@gmail.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/turnipwithdollyandjacob-----------Find Dolly here:Blog: https://adashofdolly.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/adashofdollyFind Jacob here:Blog: https://www.whole30coachjacob.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacoblheath-----------Music by Ikson: h