Oxygen For Women With Perry Janssen

You are Your Primary Relationship and Why Ignoring That is Hurting You



You have to wake with yourself every day. When you can have your own back, it can transform your life. It’s an understanding of what’s best for you. When you learn to do this regularly all parts of your life get better. Relationships with others can improve. Physical issues and emotional problems will be reduced if not completely eliminated. Including yourself is a daily practice that can change everything. Many issues like anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, migraines and more are related to our lack of inner knowing. When we aren’t in touch with ourselves, or when we don’t pay attention or over-ride what our body is trying to tell us, the message will always show up in other ways. A first step can be journaling. No need to edit or be concerned with the narrative. Learn to write what you feel. If you learned to separate your feelings or over ride them, this can be hard at first. A question to get things going is easy to remember. Use the acronym HALT. The next time you are feeling anxious, or depressed