Awakening With Rabbi Ami Silver

BONUS: From Sefira to Shavuot - Coming Back to Wholeness



The path through Sefirat Ha’omer to Shavuot is a process of self-refinement, of coming into contact with the myriad parts of our personality that compose the sum total. But how do we orient ourselves toward this work? Is self-development about striving to reach at a new plateau? Are we reaching outward toward a higher goal? Sometimes the outward focus can actually work against us, it can make our goals unattainable, as we search for things that don’t pertain to who we really are. In this episode, Rabbi Ami explores  the process of Sefirat Ha’omer through the particular lens of this week’s middah - yesod - and its connection to the quality of tzaddik. We learn a piece from the Piaseczner Rebbe’s journal that challenges our ideas of what it means to be a tzaddik, and offers an alternative to the all too common self-deprecating and alienating approach to spiritual work. Sources: Tzav Vezeiruz 24