Empath Now

Protection Strategies for Sensitive People and Empaths



Tara McGillicuddy welcomes John Holland to the Empath Now Podcast. Tara and John discuss some protection strategies for highly sensitive people and Empaths. John explains both the similarities and differences between highly sensitive people and empaths. John makes listeners aware of the signs to look out for to know if you may be too sensitive. He also shares some common situations when it may be beneficial to use protection strategies. John Holland : Internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, and radio host. His public demonstrations offer audiences a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers in his own unique style, explaining the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the spirit from the Other-Side. He’s able to deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity. John has spent a significant part of his life developing his psychic and mediumship abilities, and he spent two intensive years stud