Word Shots, The Podcast

Episode #005: Anything You Can Do, You Can Do Meta



English has too many rules to remember them all. But some meta-rules can help us master the complexity. Listen to the episode here: OR SUBSCRIBE in iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. Full Transcript Here’s what I want to do in this episode. I want to prepare you for the rest of the episodes. And here’s what I want to do in the rest of the episodes: I want to equip you to make good decisions about your use of language. Rules Within Rules In episode one, I talked about how little we can rely on rules to make our English as strong and useful as it can be. Part of the problem, I’ll remind you, is that English is so complex that, if we have to rely on conscious rules for everything, there will be just too many to remember. But think about how much life would be simplified if you had a rule that contained within it a hundred or more rules. If such a rule could exist, then to be useful, it couldn’t exactly contain the other rules; if it did, then to remember the one rule, you’d actually have to remember all t