Andrea & Friends

003 - Lawrence Judd



Lawrence Judd is the Director of Operations of Shredded by Science (SBS), which is the industry leader in online coaching for personal trainers.    That very same company invited myself and the other 3DMJ coaches out to London to do a seminar in the summer of 2016, where I got to spend a week with Lawrence and all of his SBS fam.    While I didn’t know much about him before that, we have since become full-fledged internet buddies, appeared on each other’s podcasts, and generally enjoy invading each other’s Snapchat feeds with images of dogs and #FitChick humor.    Our conversation was recorded in April of 2017, and we chat about my obsession with his English accent, the body image issues that got him into lifting weights, why we genuinely enjoy very few people, and how his professional route has taken him from a degree in chemical engineering to being a professional in the online fitness space.   He freaking cracks me up, I have a blast every time I talk to him, and I hope you guys have a blast listening to t