Change Your Mindset

Ep 44 - How to Pursue a New Career With Passion, Purpose & Yes, And | with Courtney Kirschbaum



Courtney Kirschbaum is a human development and high performance expert who specializes in helping young professionals choose the right career and achieve mastery in it. She also successfully completed her own career transition later in life when she left the corporate accounting world to found CK Consulting. Now she is launching a new project, Job Hunt School, to impact even more young professionals. We discuss how pursuing passion and purpose help during career transitions, how the principles of improvisation will help you during the interview process, and the stress epidemic in the U.S. “They're still not teaching the things that you are really going to need to know when you walk into the job, and not only on the first day but even before that.” Courtney started consulting because she saw a leadership and development gap. Students in college aren’t being properly trained to transition from a collegiate environment to a corporate environment, or any other business environment. She attempts to fill those impo