Change Your Mindset

Ep. 49 - The Science of Charisma with Thaddeus Rex



Today’s guest, Thaddeus Rex, is a Brand Strategist and Charisma Trainer. Before he was a brand expert, he learned about communication and storytelling as a musical artist, cast member of an Emmy Award winning PBS show, and motivational performer. As a career musician, Thaddeus quickly learned that there are hundreds of people with the same service or expertise you have to offer (and some will do it for free). Audiences wouldn’t come to hear guitar – but audiences might come to hear Thaddeus Rex… if he offers something unique. That’s why Thaddeus started developing stage shows to promote reading and motivate kids, and that gig highlighted his branding chops. People with products wanted Thaddeus’ help. They see him making a living off of nothing but stories – well they had products that people needed, but they didn’t have any good stories to help people understand why. Brands are made of three components: Stuff, Stories, and Audiences. A really good brand is a collection of stories pointing in the same directio