Change Your Mindset

Ep 62 - Patrick Donadio: Communicating with IMPACT



Today our guest is Patrick Donadio, MBA, CSP, and MCC. For the past three decades, he has guided leaders and their organizations with powerful presentations and one-on-one business communications coaching. In his desire to help leaders grow their people, Patrick has taken his decades of experience and crafted a results-based process for his new leader’s guide, Communicating with IMPACT, focused on improving communication, increasing profits, and boosting performance in less time. Patrick’s process, The IMPACT Model, outlines The Six Keys to Communication. As you go through these six keys, think about which one is a weakness for you and try to pick up a couple of tips you can put in practice tomorrow. The IMPACT Model I is the intention. What's my intention for this conversation? What do I want the person(s) I’m communicating with to think, do, or feel after we've met? M is the message & the method. How do I craft a message that's going to help me achieve the intention I have for this communication, and what