Change Your Mindset

Ep. 74 - Jennifer Briggs: Indiana Passes Competency-Based CPA License Renewal Law



Jennifer Briggs is currently the Senior Vice President and COO of the Indiana CPA Society, and she will be the CEO of the society beginning January 1, 2018.   On July 1st, 2017, the state of Indiana signed House Bill 1467 into law, which “allows competency based learning through professional development opportunities to qualify accountants for accountant certificate renewal.”   This all began years ago, around 2010, when the Indiana society created a board-level task force on knowledge management. Jennifer worked with the task force on competency to examine how things have changed in education, and everything snowballed from there.   Although the bill is passed, this is just the beginning – Jennifer is now working with a committee to create rules around the law. Nothing is finalized, but the idea is that this new system will be designed around those who actually want to learn (as opposed to those that sit in the back of a classroom to collect their 8 hours of credit).   Change is everywhere in our profession