Change Your Mindset

Ep. 95 - Kristen Rampe | Another CPA Who’s All Things Improv Shares a New Training Tool for Speaking Success



Kristen Rampe,  Founder of Kristen Rampe Consulting, returns to the show to discuss how CPE educators can get the best out of their presenters and subject matter experts and a new training tool for those who want to build confidence when speaking in front of a crowd: PowerPoint Improv!   If you want to get better at speaking, this episode is for you.   Kristen conducted an excellent breakout session during the 2018 CPE Educators Conference, in which a group of us discussed how we can get more engagement from our audiences.   One of the things she talked about was giving the different personas in the room what they need – but what does it really mean to know your audience?   You need an understanding of...   Who’s in the room What their background is Why they’re there What they want to learn   If you don’t know who they are and what they want, it’s going to be a lot harder to provide value or engage them. Remember: in any speaking engagement, it’s not about you, it’s about the audience.   PowerPoint Improv