Change Your Mindset

Ep. 99 - A Very Special Announcement About the Next 100 Episodes



Today I’m celebrating my 100th episode (because I technically started this show with episode 0) – and I have a special announcement for all of you.   First, I’d like to thank all of the guests who have given their time and shared their knowledge with my audience – without you, we never would have reached this milestone. I’d also like to thank my audience, especially those of you who listen every week. I hope you’ve been able to gather some nuggets of wisdom and applied them in your everyday life!   Now for my special announcement: I’m re-branding the podcast and changing its name to “Change Your Mindset | with Peter Margaritis, CPA, CGMA, AKA The Accidental Accountant.” I will also be changing from a weekly schedule to a bi-weekly schedule for a period of time.   Note: If you are already subscribed to the podcast, you do not have to change anything. The title of the show will simply be updated in your podcast app of choice.   Why the change? I want to serve the accounting profession better than I have over th