Feminist Sleeper Cell

Episode 18: Papa Don’t Preach



We are back to our regularly scheduled shenanigans. Lizz and Julie discuss the current news surrounding the Catholic Church and its influence on reproductive rights and healthcare in general. While Kavanaugh threatens Roe v Wade, some states prepared for history to repeat itself a long time ago, ie. the blessed state of Washington where Julie was able to visit and tour the amazing Cedar River’s Clinic. *SHOW NOTES* Cedar River Clinics Catholic Health Initiative MERGER with Dignity Health (PA #8 in Catholic Population) 1000 COVER UPS, 300 PRIESTS PITTSBURGH PORN RING PA ANTI ABORTION LAWS: BAD PLANNED PARENTHOOD V CASEY: SCOTUS RULING CLINIC VIOLENCE BAD (MA #1 in Catholic Population) BOSTON ARCHDIOCESE SEX SCANDAL ABOBO LAWS : NOT BAD BUT… SCOTUS BUFFER ZONE RULING (NY #5 in Catholic Population) NY SEX SCANDALS: BAD NY ABOBO LAWS : NOT BAD BUT… REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ACT CLINIC VIOLENCE DR SLEPIAN BAD (CA #9 in Catholic Population) 66O MILLION SETTLEMENT. KICK OUT NUNS TO PAY: BAD CA ABOBO LAWS : FINE BUT…