The Jazzy Vegetarian

Holiday Eating for Health and Vitality, with Leslie Cerier



Host Laura Theodore, the Jazzy Vegetarian, chats with Leslie Cerier, “The Organic Gourmet,” who specializes in whole foods and organic cuisine. We’ll share fantastic holiday cooking and baking recipes; and we’ll also discuss eating for health and vitality and how to lose weight after the holidays! Leslie is Author of Gluten-Free Recipes for the Conscious Cook, presenting over 100 delicious recipes for easy-to-make, gluten-free, vegetarian meals. Leslie cooks and teaches all over the United States and is author of several other cookbooks, including Going Wild in the Kitchen; Sea Vegetable Celebration; Taste Life! Organic Recipes; and The Quick and Easy Organic Gourmet. Cerier is a chef, educator, environmentalist, photographer, and recipe developer, and is sought after by health professionals and private clients for her expertise in local, seasonal, organic cooking for health and vitality. Visit: