God Conversations With Tania Harris

(08) Are Women Better at Hearing God’s Voice? A Conversation with Ps Peter Wallis



Men are better at parking cars and reading maps. Women are better at communication and intuition. The prevailing research shows that our gender differences are related to neurological processes in the brain. One of the God Conversations Leadership team, Ps. Peter Wallis, Resource Manager, Sound Engineer and Pastor Extraordinaire! So if women are naturally better at communicating, does this effect their ability to hear God’s voice? Why is it that more women are on prayer-teams than men, why do more women attend God Conversations seminars and why is this area sometimes viewed as a 'women’s topic'? Yet it's the men in the Bible who are most regularly seen hearing from God. At least these are the stories that are recorded. The experience of Manoah and his wife is an exceptional one. In this story found in Judges 13, we see the woman receiving direction from God and her husband Manoah not having the slightest idea what is going on! The promise given to us was that both sons AND daughters would prophesy and hav