God Conversations With Tania Harris

(015) What Does God Sound Like? Light FM Listeners Share their Stories



On this week's podcast, Light FM radio host Clayton Bjelan and I chat about the experiences of listeners from Melbourne (Australia) in hearing God’s voice. We hear from: Robert who heard God’s voice on one of the worst days of his life. Bernadette who received a vision that helped her avoid a devastating car accident. Ken who received encouragement while waiting for his first child to be born. Marinella who unexpectedly landed the perfect job through following the direction of the Holy Spirit. Jessie who desperately needed reassurance that God was with her in a time of great distress. Be inspired by their stories as they share of the life that comes when God speaks and how his words can warn and protect us! We learn that truly, God speaks to us for our strengthening, encouraging and comfort! (1 Corinthians 14:3). Subscribe to God Conversations with Tania Harris and never miss an episode! What's your favourite God-Conversation story? Share in the comments below!