Cut The Noise! Podcast

Episode 6: Quick Hits - Flash in the Data Center



Welcome to the first episode of Cut the NOISE: Quick Hits Podcast. Our new podcast series is designed to take quick, concise, jabs at current topics in technology and simplify what impact they have on today's businesses. We start the series by talking with Dustin Grimmeissen, Enterprise Architect, and Mike Caral, Field CTO, about Flash storage, and its applications to the data center space. LISTEN ON ITUNES, GOOGLE PLAY, STITCHER, AND SOUNDCLOUD In This Episode We Will Be Talking About: - Is it time for flash first, everywhere? - Cost per IOPS vs. Terabyte. - Performance vs. Data Reduction - Ideal use cases for flash. - Should IT Managers look towards Flash storage for their next refresh? - What is a healthy mix of Flash storage and spinning disk? - Apple-to-Oranges: Can flash density compete with spinning disk capacities? - Compression vs. deduplication ratio vs. footprint reduction Follow our host and RoundTower CIO, Kurtis Lindemann, on Twitter (@KurtisLindemann) or follow the podcast @CutTheNois