Neurology® Podcast

December 6 2016 Issue



1) Systematic review and statistical analysis of the integrity of 33 randomized controlled trials2) What's Trending: Interview with Dr. Neil Garrett about his Nature Neuroscience article on dishonesty.3) Topic of the month: Neurology Today story about Zika virus and Guillain Barre syndrome detected in ColumbiaThis podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Ted Burns interviews Dr. Mark Bolland about his paper on the systematic review and statistical analysis of the integrity of 33 randomized controlled trials. Dr. Ted Burns is also interviewing Dr. Neil Garrett for our “What's Trending” feature of the week about his Nature Neuroscience paper on dishonesty. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Dr. Carlos Pardo about a Neurology Today story on the topic of Zika virus and Guillain Barre syndrome detected in Columbia.DISCLOSURES: Dr. Ted Burns se