Neurology® Podcast

January 24 2017 Issue



1) Relationship between Risk Factor Control and Vascular Events in the SAMMPRIS Trial 2) What's Trending: 2017 AAN Annual Meeting3) Topic of the Month: neuromuscular medicineThis podcast begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the January 24, 2017 issue of Neurology. In the first segment, Dr. Joseph Carrera talks with Dr. Tanya Turan about her paper on risk factor control and vascular events in the SAMMPRIS trial. Dr. Ted Burns talks with Christy Phelps about the 2017 AAN Annual Meeting for our “What's Trending” feature of the week. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns focuses his interview with Dr. Anthony Amato on myositis. Disclosures can be found at Turan serves on a scientific advisory board for Boehringer Ingelheim; serves on blinded Neurological Events Adjudication Committees for Boehringer Ingelheim and W.L. Gore and Associates; is Review Editor for Frontiers in Endovascular and Interventional Neurolo