Neurology® Podcast

April 3 2018 Issue



1. Featured Article: The Mitochondrial Disease Patients’ Diagnostic Odyssey: Results of A Survey2. What’s Trending: Teen concussion and early tauopathyThis Neurology® Podcast begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the April 3, 2018, print issue of Neurology. In the first segment, Dr. Jason Crowell talks with Drs. John L.P. Thompson and Michio Hirano about their Neurology: Genetics paper on the long journey to diagnosis for patients with mitochondrial disease. For the “What’s Trending” segment, Dr. Jeff Ratliff speaks with Dr. Lee Goldstein about teen concussion and early tauopathy.DISCLOSURES: Dr. Crowell reports no disclosures. Dr. Thompson has recieved research support from Novartis, NIH/NINDS (1U54 NS078059-06), NIEHS (P30 ES009089-15), and the FDA (UFDSP00011270). Dr. Hirano has received honoraria for serving on advisory boards of Stealth Biotherapeutics, Sarepeta, and Biogen; received received travel funds from the American College of Medica