Neurology® Podcast

April 17 2018 Issue



1. Featured Article: Clinical Reasoning: A young woman with symmetric weakness and behavioral disturbance2. What’s Trending: DEFUSE 3 trial results on thrombectomy vs. standard therapy alone for ischemic stroke This Neurology® Podcast begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the April 17, 2018, print issue of Neurology. In the first segment, Dr. Dan Ackerman talks with Dr. Jon Rosenberg about the differential diagnosis of a young patient with symmetric weakness, behavioral changes, and bilateral infarcts. For the “What’s Trending” segment, Dr. Nicole Chiota-McCollum speaks with Dr. Gregory Albers about findings from the DEFUSE 3 clinical trial.DISCLOSURES: Dr. Ackerman, Dr. Rosenberg, and Dr. Chiota-McCollum report no disclosures. Dr. Albers has served on a steering committee for Lundbeck and Covidien; serves on the editorial board for Stroke; holds a patent for RAPID software for MRI and CTP analysis of diffusion and perfusion data; has consulted