Neurology® Podcast

August 14 2018 Issue



1. Neurology® Clinical Practice: Safety and efficacy of plasma exchange in pediatric transverse myelitis2. Clopidogrel and aspirin in acute ischemic stroke and high-risk TIA (POINT study)Dr. Stacey Clardy talks with Dr. Benjamin Greenberg about his paper on therapeutic plasma exchange in a cohort of pediatric transverse myelitis patients. Next, Will Rondeau interviews Dr. Clay Johnston about findings from the POINT study on clopidogrel and aspirin in acute ischemic stroke.DISCLOSURES:Dr. Clardy has received research support from Western Institute for Biomedical Research (WIBR).Dr. Greenberg has received travel funding from the Transverse Myelitis Association; has filed has filed patents on the use of antibody biology in multiple sclerosis; has consulted for Novartis, Alexion, and EMD Serono; and has received research support from Medimmune, Chugai, Medday, Genentech, NIH (RO1 NS071463), Unviersity of Texas Southwestern, Guthy Jackson Foundation, PCORI, Transverse Myelitis Association, and the National MS Soci