Coffee Break Blogging

List Building Challenge #5: A Strategy For Using Your Squeeze Pages



A lead magnet squeeze page is like an island unto itself. It won’t have any top nav menu. No sidebar. No links to social media profiles. At most, it will have the typical boring links to your privacy policy and terms of service in the footer. At the top, it might have your logo. Also, most of the time, you would hide this squeeze page from your top blog navigation menu. You don’t HAVE to. You may want to try including it there. But, often these squeeze pages will just sit there and the only traffic it will get will be when you specifically link to it. So, where might you use this thing? Well, I could give you a bunch of ideas today. However, this whole list building challenge is about specificity. I don’t want to give you a ton to do all at once… otherwise it is more likely you won’t do it. So, today, let’s just talk one simple strategy. This strategy isn't so much about building your list... as it is about keeping your existing subscribers engaged.