Sevan Bomar

The Duality Illusion



Its an entirely different existence we are entering, one in which we will experience the highest levels of who we are and what we are capable of. On this very Planet there are special people all around us, people who have awaken Kundalini and experienced higher levels of Wholeness. This should not be confused with sparse tales of Ascended Masters, no, it is much more tangible. In the pursuit of compassion my life has led me to not only meet these various Beings from time to time but to also become one myself. In actuality this is the exact process of individual enlightenment that has always existed on Planets such as the one we are on now. All around us there appears a great deal of confusion and unrest but you are the calm in the middle of the storm and what you see occurring is the knowledge of Earth and what it has to teach its inhabitants through contrast. I ask you to consider this, as I have discovered in the deepest ways that beauty can only be noticed in this reality when its hideous companion is so