Zion News

Hundreds of Rockets Fired Towards Israel | 5/5/19



Over 500 Rockets Fired At Israeli Civilian Areas Moshe Agadi, a 58 year-old Israeli father of four was murdered by shrapnel early Sunday morning when a terrorist rocket launched from Gaza landed on his home. #ROCKET #GAZA ____________________ PIJ Threatens To Fire Deeper Into Israel Iranian proxy terror groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are now threatening to ratchet up their attacks should Israel continue to retaliate. #PIJ #HAMAS __________________ Over 500 Rockets Fired At Israeli Civilian Areas Brig. Gen. (ret.) Ram Shmueli the Former Head of IAF Intelligence, Dr. Shaul Shay, the Former Deputy Head of the National Security Council, Dr. Col. (ret.) Reuven Berko, Middle East Expert; Israel Hayom Columnist and Dr. Martin Sherman, The Founder & Executive Director of The IISS joins us in the studio for a panel discussion on the ongoing events in southern Israel and Gaza. #ROCKETS #TERRORISM ____________________ 4. Int’l Community Condemns Palestinian ViolenceMany in the internation