Zion News

Possible Divide in the Gulf states? | 5/22/19



UAE, Saudi Arabia to attend US peace summit Palestinian officials not planning to participate #UAE #SAUDIARABIA __________________ Will the Palestinian decision to boycott the US summit in Bahrain cause a divide with gulf states?Israel is improving its ties with Arab states, can they hold? Dr. Martin Sherman, Israel institute of strategic studies, is here to discuss. #MARTINSHERMAN #ISRAEL ____________________ Bernie Sanders open to moving us embassy back to TLV if it brings peace Vermont senator says his administration would be more sympathetic to Palestinians #BERNIESANDERS #TLV ___________________ Iran, US said to step back from brink of warIraq to send delegation to calm tensions #IRAN #USA ___________________ Israel condemns un meeting with Hezbollah officialFM spokesman: ‘Israel shocked and disappointed’ by meet with terror group#ISRAEL #HEZBOLLAH __________________ Mandelblit sets Netanyahu pre-indictment hearing to OctoberBill canceling limits on ministerial posts passes