Zion News

New Election Could Cost Billions | 5/29/19



Deadline determining if Israel goes to polls is tonight Netanyahu, Liberman still in standoff; attempts to broker last-minute compromise #ISRAEL #ELECTIONS __________________ Has Avigdor Lieberman backed himself into a corner? The Yisrael Beiteinu head refuses to back down from his demands. Joining us in the ILTV studio to discuss, are Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS, Gad Harel, Journalist, Media Personality, Hod Karovi, Political and Strategy Advisor for The Labor Party, and Ziv Maor, Former Editor in Chief, Mida. #LIBERMAN #ISRAELPOLITICS ____________________ New election to cost billions of NIS Experts warn second round of voting will be an extreme burden on economy  #ISRAEL #NIS ___________________ Kushner, Greenblatt to visit Israel, Jordan this week Middle East envoys visiting region to drum up support for anticipated peace plan  #KUSHNER #GREENBLAT ___________________ Qatar to build new powerline in Israel for Gaza New powerline most likely resu