Zion News

Why Are Tensions Rising Between Israel and Syria? | 6/2/19



1. Report: Israeli Prime Minister To Reshuffle Cabinet Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett May Be Fired  #KNESSET #ELECTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------- Two Rockets Fired From Syria Into Israel Israeli Army Responds By Blasting Syrian Military Targets #SYRIA #ISRAEL #ESCALATION ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Why are tensions rising between Syria and Israel? Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS is in the ILTV studios to discuss the situation developing with Syria. #SYRIA #ISRAEL #ESCALATION #HEZBOLLAH #NASRALLAH #NETANYAHU ----------------------------------------------------------- Terrorist Stabs Two Civilians In Old City Of Jerusalem 19-Year Old Assailant From West Bank Is Shot Down By Border Police #TERRORATTACK #STABBING #JERUSALEM ----------------------------------------------------------- US Middle East Envoy Lands In Israel To Discuss Peace Deal “Deal Of The Century” To Be Hashed Out At Upcomi