Zion News

Alexandria Ocasio - Cortez in Hot Water Over Concentration Camp Statement | 6/19/19



1. Iran May Target Israel Amid Conflict With US   Experts worry that Israel may be dragged into the Iranian-US war of words #IRAN #US ________________________________ 2. IAEA Recognizes PA; Allows It To Join Organization  Israel responds, calling the recognition a “violation of international conventions”  #IAEA #PA ________________________________  Egypt To Pay Israel $500 Million Over Gas Dispute  Agreed-upon payments are set to be made in installments over the next 8.5 years  #EGYPT #ISRAEL ________________________________  4. Police Extend Investigation In Child Rape Case  Unanswered questions leave investigators wondering if they got the right guy #ISRAELPOLICE #INVESTIGATION ________________________________ AOC In Trouble Again NY representative compares us detention facilities to Nazi concentration camps. We are joined in the ILTV studio with Heather Stone, Chair of Democrats Abroad, Israel and Davidi Hermelin, President of the Int’l