The Slow Home Podcast With Brooke Mcalary

Beth Kempton on the slow way of wabi sabi



This season has been an exploration of slow living through a variety of different lenses, looking at what constitutes ‘slow’ from new perspectives. Today’s episode, the second-last of the season, is no different as Brooke chats with author and Japanologist Beth Kempton about slow living through the lens of Japanese culture. Or more specifically, through the lens of wabi sabi. Complex to define, wabi sabi is an exploration of acceptance and contentment. An acknowledgement of the true nature of life and as such is a really powerful way of shifting our worldview. Beth introduces Brooke to this complex nature of wabi sabi and they discuss how the idea of perfect imperfection can impact the way we purchase and consume things, the way we connect with people and the environment around us, and how it’s a welcome respite in a world that calls us to constant comparison and competition. They discuss whether wabi sabi, or any personal philosophy really, has the power to change the world as well as