Unfunny Nerd Tangent

UNT 83: GLOW Season 3



What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... unless you want to talk about GLOW Season 3. Tim, Jared and Greig return to the world of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling to discuss Netflix’s latest offering, putting the actual wrestling aside to break down the myriad of interesting character moments this year had to offer. Bash, Sheila, Justine and of course, Ruth, Debbie and Sam; everyone got some meaty, Challenger-sized plotlines this season. And we dived in, turnbuckle-first to each and every one of them. Also, Geena Davis. ‘Nuff said. Hosted by: 'Captain Boomerang' Greig Tansley (@GreigT13). Featuring: 'SuperJew' Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75) & 'Ageing Showgirl' Tim Agne (@timagne). Music by: Roxette.