Who's Your Mama

Season 2 – Episode 4: Noelle Libby, farm lady, rescue mom, photographer, crafty maker-of-things, homeschooler, and just a generally badass wild soul mama



A woods-witchy chat with Noelle Libby, farm lady, rescue mom, photographer, crafty maker-of-things, homeschooler, and just a generally badass wild soul mama. We discuss hiding from our children (in trucks…or barns with witchy goats), tiny house living for chickens, accidental homesteading and sustainable families, adventures in homeschooling, fighting SAHM boredom with creative outlets, making creativity … Continue reading Season 2 – Episode 4: Noelle Libby, farm lady, rescue mom, photographer, crafty maker-of-things, homeschooler, and just a generally badass wild soul mama