Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley

Ep. 81 - How did you learn to become a business owner? And is that even what you call yourself?



How did you learn to become a business owner? And is that even what you call yourself? How do you describe yourself? A helping professional? A private practitioner? Why do so many of us find it so hard to acknowledge the title "business owner"?  It took me years to accept this title for myself, because it felt "icky" as a psychologist, a helping professional, to think of myself in these terms.  But you know what? Since I've embraced the idea that I am a business owner (because I actually am, just ask my employees!) I've been open to all the other ideas relevant to business owners. Sales. Marketing. Profitability. Customer Service. These aren't terms that psychologists are taught about at uni.  What about your area of business? Were you taught to embrace or shun these terms? How much do these terms trigger you? Why?  Thinking about this might just shed some light on your inner barriers to success.