Get Yourself The Job

Shanda Sumpter



Jennifer Hill asks Shanda Sumpter: How can you turn a hobby into a thriving business? Shanda tells listeners that the secret to creating a successful business is building an email list and identifying the areas in your life that you have mastered. Shanda also shares about her spiritual beliefs and how important it is to tithe and give back. She emphasizes the importance of being accountable for your own financial freedom, which she says will lead to greater prosperity. Shanda Sumpter is the founder and Queen Visionary of HeartCore Business. She’s a passionate business coach who has created a series of online marketing courses specifically for her own clients. Shanda is a dynamic teacher and has transformed the financial lives of thousands of people through her products and group programs. She successfully created new business ventures for emerging and established companies, including playing a signi?cant part in the creation of $40 million plu