Get Yourself The Job

Signe Whitson



Jennifer Hill asks author, Signe Whitson: “How do you handle passive aggressive people in the workplace?” Signe suggests that being direct and assertive with a passive aggressive person is the antidote to that behavior. Signe also suggests that those who are passive aggressive can start to remedy that behavior with “I messages” and that practicing those “I messages” with a partner will help to improve communicating their needs in an empowering way. Signe Whitson is the Chief Operating Officer for the LSCI Institute. She is a certified School Social Work Specialist, author, and national educator on bullying prevention, crisis intervention, and child and adolescent emotional and behavioral health. She is the author of six books, including The Angry Smile: The New Psychology of Passive Aggressive Behavior at Home, at School, in Marriage & Close Relationships, in the Workplace and Online, co-written with Drs. Nicholas and Jody Long.