Get Yourself The Job

Gabrielle Vena



Jennifer Hill speaks with business and executive coach, Gabrielle Vena, about how to handle it when you feel stagnant and/or bored in your career. Gabrielle suggests being a question. She explains that when you come from a place of curiosity, you can find happiness where it was not present before. Gabrielle Vena is a life coach and business mentor with a background in counseling psychology and psychotherapy. She is a certified facilitator of several Access Consciousness® special programs, including Being You and Joy of Business and is a certified practitioner in Reiki and Integrative Energy Therapy. She studied Psychology at UCLA and went on to receive her Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from Ryokan College. A passionate advocate for self-discovery, Gabrielle draws upon 20 years of counseling, coaching and teaching experience to facilitate classes and individual sessions, empowering her clients to become a powerhouse for change in their businesses, relationships and lives