Get Yourself The Job

Diane Huth



Jennifer Hill speaks with author, university professor and career expert, Diane Huth about how to create a new career in 2019. Diane offers suggestions on how and where to job hunt, as well as how to be effective at resume writing and networking. She also suggests marketing yourself as a consultant to take full advantage of the Gig Economy. Diane Huth, The Accidental Career Coach, is a marketing guru, university professor, and author of 2 best-selling career guides. She wrote her first book BRAND YOU! To Land Your Dream Job to teach her students and young professionals how to find a great job, get hired, and jumpstart their careers. When she discovered the Baby Boomer unemployment crisis, she wrote her new book REINVENT YOUR CAREER - Beat Age Discrimination to Land Your Dream Job. She is the founder of, dedicated to changing the way America hires, inspires and retires its most experienced workers.