Friends Of Kevin Radio

Bonnie Eames - Lead The Way Equestrian Center For Girls



Host Kevin Willett is Joined by Bonnie Eames of Lead The Way Equestrian Center For Girls.   Lead The Way Equestrian Center For Girls a 501(c) 3 non profit is a program that we designed to inspire underserved girls ages 9-14 in southern NH. The girls enrolling in our program are girls struggling for many reasons. Our hope is that by investing in each girl through this multi-year program that we can circumvent  damaging their school career and a need for negative damaging behaviors.  Our goal is to help these girls to think larger, dig deep within themselves, and explore natural ways to overcome adversity.   Find out more about Lead The Way Equestrian Center For Girls on their website at To learn more about the Friends of Kevin Networking Group, go to Audio file:  Bonnie Eames.mp3