
Beth Gray - mBraining And Reaching Total Alignment | Leap Ep.20



Beth Gray, coach extraordinaire, focuses her practice on brain, heart, and gut alignment. As an mBraining coach, she works to get to the root of decision making that aligns the 3 decision-making centers in our bodies. Her journey began as a Tax Attorney. Along the way, she continued to learn more and more about the body's alignments and misalignments through her own physical pains she experienced when making and following through on decisions that she made based purely on her decision-making mind; not taking into account her heart and gut (intuition). As she began to heal herself, she learned about the practice of mBraining and the importance of brain, heart, & gut alignment. To learn more, please check out her website at https://bethgray.coach/ ---- To learn more about Leap, the podcast and coaching services, please join us on our LEAP Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/whatsyourleap/ Schedule a Discovery Call at https://calendly.com/whatsyourleap ---- Produced by: David Margittai | In P