Flack Pack

PR’s 1st Holographic News Release by Cathy Hackl



“Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope!” Forty years ago, holograms were the stuff of science fiction movies, like Star Wars. Princess Leia’s desperate call for an old Jedi Knight’s assistance is legendary, and as it turns out, quite prophetic. That’s because this week, PR pros at PRSA’s International Conference in Austin, Texas got to see the industry’s first holographic news release. Cathy Hackl is a PR futurist, and a former broadcast journalist. Now she preaches the latest tech to pros looking to harness new and amazing ways to communicate. And the best part? She says any PR pro can deploy this technology today. Cathy gives listeners the latest on VR, AR, and Holograms in this special PRSA conference edition of the Flack Pack. We also meet Jane Kovacs, a “geek-speaking” Austin PR pro who started a rowdy group called the PR Fight Club. She tells us how she came up with the idea, and why it helps practitioners in this weird Texas town improve their communications skills.  LINKS: Princess Leia’s Prophe