Flack Pack

A PESO For Your Thoughts!



How do you write your PR plans? Are they long, short, or somewhere in between? Do you use a template each time, or scratch them out on a napkin? Writing a PR plan can be fun, tedious, and necessary all at the same time. But is there a way to make sure you’ve covered all the bases without losing your mind in the process? Gini Dietrich, CEO of communications and marketing firm Arment Dietrich in Chicago, created the PESO model in 2014, after developing a process to streamline her own team’s planning process. She explains the PESO model, and the name! Also, University of Maryland senior Gillian Casey competes against the buzzer this week, and holds her own against some tough PR questions; Sarah asks PR students about celebrities and companies with good and bad PR reps; and Koji and Jessica preview Flack Pack episodes yet to come. Links: Trump threatens retaliation after DNC’s move against Fox House repudiates bigotry after Omar comments split Dems This is when cherry blossoms are expected to hit peak bloom in Wa