New Rustacean  learning The Rust Programming Language

e003: No. more. nulls.



No More Nulls Subject: Enumerated (enum) types, pattern matching, and meaningful return types. Notes Today’s episode discusses, in order: Enumerated types, with an eye to the difference between structs and enums, and to the differences between enums in C and in Rust. Pattern matching, with a focus on using them with enumerated types and some discussion about how they differ from switch blocks in C-like languages. Using the Option and Result enumerated types with pattern matching to provide meaningful returns from functions safely. Order There is a specific order to the examples below, and it is not the automatically-alphabetized order rendered by rustdoc. Instead, you should work through in the sequence they appear in the source: RelatedishThings demonstrate_basic_enumeration demonstrate_match get_an_option demonstrate_option get_a_result demonstrate_result Links New Rustacean Pull Request #1 Work on IDE support! Landing page My chosen tool: JetBrains/IntelliJ Rustlings Rust FFI Omnibus Follow/Support