New Rustacean  learning The Rust Programming Language

e004: Functionalized



Date: October 29, 2015 Subject: Functions, methods, closures, and function as arguments! Notes This week’s episode covers the basics of all sorts of functions: normal functions, methods, and closures. Closures An explanation (in Ruby) by Martin Fowler Rust book Rust by Example “What is a closure?” (Progammers Stack Exchange) – the first answer is the best, but the second answer may be a helpful stepping stone for people just getting their heads around this and coming from OOP languages like C++ or Java (even though I disagree with the explanation in some ways). “What is a closure?” (Stack Overflow) – careful, thorough answer using JavaScript as an example. Links Exercism (hat tip: Lechindanier on GitHub) Rust Learning Rust and Swift (viii) Follow/Support New Rustacean: Twitter: @newrustacean @newrustacean Patreon Dwolla Email: Chris Krycho Twitter: @chriskrycho @chriskrycho