

Where the RLS came from, what it can do, and how you can start using it today! Notes One major ergonomic improvement to developing in Rust in 2017 is coming via the Rust Language Service: an initiative that lets us share a common core of functionality between every editor – from Vim to VS Code and everything in between. In today's episode, I give some background on it and talk about how you can start using it today! Links Rust Language Service repo blog posts announcement alpha 2 release first rustup release vscode-rust Language Server Protocol repo VS Code blog post implementations Sponsors Anthony Deschamps Aleksey Pirogov Andreas Fischer Andrew Thompson Austin LeSure Ben Whitley Charlie Egan Chris Jones Chris Palmer Christopher Giffard Dan Abrams Daniel Collin Derek Morr Eugene Bulkin Jakub "Limeth" Hlusička Jordan Henderson Jupp Müller Justin Ossevoort Karl Hobley Keith Gray Lachlan Collins Luca Schmid Matt Rudder Matthew Piziak Max Jacobson Micael Bergeron Ovidiu Curcan Pascal Hertleif