Faster Than Expected - Podcast

FTE15 ~ worldwide connected: Water



This is the first worldwide podcast episode, co-hosted by Kevin Hester, New Zealand, and Wolfgang Werminghausen, Germany. We are talking about the role of water in abrupt climate change, the lack of water, floods, risk for nuclear power plants and the inner connection with the whole nature, that can be experienced with water. Kevin Hester is living on Rakino Island, a small Island near Auckland New Zealand. He is a lifelong activist for ecology, for peace, against nuclear power and weapons and since some years he is tireless warning the world’s public about the dire consequences of the ongoing abrupt climate change. He is the living example, that the assumption, someone who is certain about the near term human extinction, will do nothing anymore, is really bullshit. We can laugh about that. [image] Wolfgang Werminhausen is living in Münster, Germany. He has 4 children and is more than half of his life father of children. After study of psychology and working as psychotherapist, he had a trip into the world